Episode 27 (Job Market Edition): Maddalena Ronchi on Managerial Attitudes and Gender Inequality
Maddalena Ronchi is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Job Market Candidate at Bocconi University
The paper discussed in this episode is "Daddy's girl: Daughters, managerial decisions, and gender inequality", by Maddalena Ronchi and Nina Smith.
Other papers mentioned in this episode are:
Warner, Rebecca L, “Does the sex of your children matter? Support for feminism among
women and men in the United States and Canada,” Journal of Marriage and the Family,
1991, pp. 1051–1056.
Washington, Ebonya L, “Female socialization: how daughters affect their legislator fathers’
voting on women’s issues,” The American Economic Review, 2008, 98 (1), 311–332.