Episode 26 (Job Market Edition): Amanda Dahlstrand on Digital Technology and Matching Doctors with Patients
Amanda Dahlstrand is a PhD Student and Job Market Candidate at the London School of Economics
The paper discussed in this episode is “Defying Distance? The Provision of Services in the Digital Age”, by Amanda Dahlstrand.
Other papers mentioned in this episode are:
Chen, Y., Persson, P., & Polyakova, M. (2019). The roots of health inequality and the value of intra-family expertise (No. w25618). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Graham, B. S., Imbens, G. W., & Ridder, G. (2020). Identification and efficiency bounds for the average match function under conditionally exogenous matching. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 38(2), 303-316.
Kleinberg, J., Lakkaraju, H., Leskovec, J., Ludwig, J., & Mullainathan, S. (2018). Human decisions and machine predictions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(1), 237-293.