Episode 89: Manasvini Singh on Black versus White Mortality when Hospital Capacity becomes Strained

Manasvini Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University

The paper discussed in this episode is ‘Rationing by Race', by Manasvini Singh and Atheendar Venkataramani

Papers mentioned in this episode include:

Arogyaswamy, S., Vukovic, N., Keniston, A., Apgar, S., Bowden, K., Kantor, M. A., ... & Burden, M. (2022). The impact of hospital capacity strain: a qualitative analysis of experience and solutions at 13 academic medical centers. Journal of general internal medicine, 37(6), 1463-1474.

Baert, S., Cockx, B., Gheyle, N., & Vandamme, C. (2015). Is there less discrimination in occupations where recruitment is difficult?. ILR Review, 68(3), 467-500.

Beck, E. M., & Tolnay, S. E. (1990). The killing fields of the deep south: the market for cotton and the lynching of blacks, 1882-1930. American Sociological Review, 526-539.


Episode 90: Ziad Obermeyer on the Mortality Effects of Making Patients Contribute to the Cost of their Drugs


Episode 88: Jetson Leder-Luis on Medicare Spending in For-Profit Hospices