Episode 80: Pauline Mourot on Complementarities in Healthcare Production

Pauline Mourot is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Boston University

The paper discussed in this episode is “Should Top Surgeons Practice at Top Hospitals? Sorting and Complementarities in Healthcare”, by Pauline Mourot.

Papers mentioned in this episode include:

Abowd, J. M., Kramarz, F., & Margolis, D. N. (1999). High wage workers and high wage firms. Econometrica, 67(2), 251-333.

Bonhomme, S., Lamadon, T., & Manresa, E. (2019). A distributional framework for matched employer employee data. Econometrica, 87(3), 699-739.


Episode 79: Fabiano Schivardi on Executives, Firm Performance, and Labour Markets