Episode 45: Daniel Knutsson on Comparing Public and Private Provision in Healthcare
Daniel Knutsson is a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics and at the Center of Health Economics Research at Uppsala University.
The paper discussed in this episode is “The Quality and Efficiency of Public and Private Firms: Evidence from Ambulance Services”, by Daniel Knutsson and Björn Tyrefors, and which was published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in 2022.
Other papers discussed during this episode include:
Hart, O., Shleifer, A., & Vishny, R. W. (1997). The proper scope of government: theory and an application to prisons. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4), 1127-1161.
Lucchese, E. (2020). It could be worse... it could be raining: Ambulance response time and health outcomes. University of Milan Bicocca Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper, (429).
Silver, D. (2021). Haste or Waste? Peer pressure and productivity in the emergency department. The Review of Economic Studies, 88(3), 1385-1417.