Episode 42: Stefano Fiorin on Financial Incentives and Whistleblowing

Stefano Fiorin an Assistant Professor at the Ettore Bocconi Department of Economics.

The paper discussed in this episode is “Reporting Peers’ Wrongdoing: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Financial Incentives on Morally Controversial Behavior”, by Stefano Fiorin.

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Ariely, Dan, Anat Bracha, and Stephan Meier. 2009. “Doing Good or Doing Well? Image Motivation and Monetary Incentives in Behaving Prosocially.” American Economic Review, 99(1): 544–55.

Burde, Dana, and Leigh L. Linden. 2013. "Bringing Education to Afghan Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Village-Based Schools." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 5 (3): 27-40.


Episode 43: Ingrid Haegele on Talent Hoarding in Organisations


Episode 41: Andrea Prat on the Allocation of Authority in Organizations