Episode 38: Robert Dur on Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance

Robert Dur is a Professor of Economics, Incentives, and Performance at Erasmus University Rotterdam

The paper discussed in this episode is “Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance: A Natural Field Experiment”, by Josse Delfgaauw, Robert Dur, Oke Onemu, and Joeri Sol.

Other papers mentioned in this episode are:

Blanes i Vidal, J., & Nossol, M. (2011). Tournaments without prizes: Evidence from personnel records. Management science, 57(10), 1721-1736.

Carless, S. A., & De Paola, C. (2000). The measurement of cohesion in work teams. Small group research, 31(1), 71-88.

Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Sol, J., & Verbeke, W. (2013). Tournament incentives in the field: Gender differences in the workplace. Journal of Labor Economics, 31(2), 305-326.

Dur, R., & Sol, J. (2010). Social interaction, co-worker altruism, and incentives. Games and Economic Behavior, 69(2), 293-301.


Episode 39: Yiqun Chen on Team-Specific Human Capital


Episode 37: Michela Giorcelli on Management Training Programmes